講師結城 敏志
Satoshi Yuki
臨床腫瘍学 [主に大腸がん/胃がん]

- 1993年3月
- 釧路湖陵高等学校 卒業
- 1999年3月
- 弘前大学 医学部 医学科 卒業
- 2007年3月
- 北海道大学大学院 医学研究科 病態制御学専攻 医学博士課程 終了
- 1999年6月
- 北海道大学医学部附属病院 研修医 [第三内科/第二内科/第一内科]
- 2000年4月
- NTT東日本札幌病院 研修医 [循環器内科/消化器内科]
- 2001年4月
- 釧路労災病院 内科 医師
- 2002年4月
- 網走厚生病院 内科 医師
- 2006年4月
- 北海道大学病院 第3内科 医員
- 2008年4月
- 北海道大学病院 第3内科 助教
- 2012年4月
- 北海道大学病院 消化器内科 助教
- 2023年12月
- 北海道大学病院 消化器内科 講師
- 日本内科学会 認定内科医
- 日本臨床腫瘍学会
がん薬物療法専門医・指導医・協議員・がん薬物療法専門医制度委員会 専門医部会 北海道支部代表 - 日本癌治療学会 総務委員会 専門委員
- 日本遺伝性腫瘍学会
- 日本胃癌学会
- 日本がんサポーティブケア学会
- 日本がん予防学会
- 日本消化器病学会
- 米国臨床腫瘍学会(ASCO) Active Member
- 欧州臨床腫瘍学会(ESMO) Active Member
- 日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医・暫定教育医
- Caris Precision Oncology Alliance, GI Disease Group member
- SCRUM-Japan MONSTAR-SCREEN2 付随研究検討委員会
- 2013年 Asia Pacific Cancer Conference:Young Investigator's Award
- 2017年 第55回 日本癌治療学会 学術集会:優秀演題賞
- Harada K, Yuki S, Kawamoto Y, Nakamura T, Kaneko S, Ishida K, Sakamoto N, Komatsu Y.
Anti-epidermal growth factor receptor treatment for patients with Neo RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: a case report of two cases.
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2023 Nov 28:15:17588359231216090. - Kajiwara T, Nishina T, Yamashita R, Nakamura Y, Shiozawa M, Yuki S, Taniguchi H, Hara H, Ohta T, Esaki T, Shinozaki E, Takashima A, Yamamoto Y, Yamazaki K, Yoshino T, Hyodo I.
Sidedness-Dependent Prognostic Impact of Gene Alterations in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in the Nationwide Cancer Genome Screening Project in Japan (SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN).
Cancers (Basel). 2023 Oct 27;15(21):5172. - Ando K, Nakamura Y, Kitao H, Shimokawa M, Kotani D, Bando H, Nishina T, Yamada T, Yuki S, Narita Y, Hara H, Ohta T, Esaki T, Hamamoto Y, Kato K, Yamamoto Y, Minashi K, Ohtsubo K, Izawa N, Kawakami H, Kato T, Satoh T, Okano N, Tsuji A, Yamazaki K, Yoshino T, Maehara Y, Oki E.
Mutational spectrum of TP53 gene correlates with nivolumab treatment efficacy in advanced gastric cancer (TP53MUT study).
Br J Cancer. 2023 Oct;129(6):1032-1039. - Yuki S, Yamazaki K, Sunakawa Y, Taniguchi H, Bando H, Shiozawa M, Nishina T, Yasui H, Kagawa Y, Takahashi N, Denda T, Esaki T, Kawakami H, Satake H, Takashima A, Matsuhashi N, Kato T, Asano C, Abe Y, Nomura S, Yoshino Y.
Role of plasma angiogenesis factors in the efficacy of first-line chemotherapy combined with biologics in RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: Results from the GI-SCREEN CRC-Ukit study.
Cancer Med. 2023 Sep;12(18):18702-18716. - Hagio K, Kikuchi J, Takada K, Tanabe H, Sugiyama M, Ohhara Y, Amano T, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Osawa T, Hatanaka KC, Hatanaka Y, Mitamura T, Yabe I, Matsuno Y, Manabe A, Sakurai A, Ishiguro A, Takahashi M, Yokouchi H, Naruse H, Mizukami Y, Dosaka-Akita H, Kinoshita I.
Assessment for the timing of comprehensive genomic profiling tests in patients with advanced solid cancers.
Cancer Sci. 2023 Aug;114(8):3385-3395. - Yamazaki K, Yuki S, Oki E, Sano F, Makishima M, Aoki K, Hamano T, Yamamoto K.
Clinical outcomes of intensive versus less intensive first-line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer.
Future Oncol. 2023 Jun 30. doi: 10.2217/fon-2022-1284. Online ahead of print. - Inagaki C, Matoba R, Yuki S, Shiozawa M, Tsuji A, Inoue E, Muro K, Ichikawa W, Fujii M, Sunakawa Y.
The BEETS (JACCRO CC-18) trial: an observational and translational study of BRAF-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer.
Future Oncol. 2023 Jun;19(17):1165-1174. - Nakai C, Mimaki S, Matsushima K, Shinozaki E, Yamazaki K, Muro K, Yamaguchi K, Nishina T, Yuki S, Shitara K, Bando H, Suzuki Y, Akagi K, Nomura S, Fujii S, Sugiyama M, Nishida N, Mizokami M, Koh Y, Koshizaka T, Okada H, Abe Y, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T, Tsuchihara K.
Regulation of MEK inhibitor selumetinib sensitivity by AKT phosphorylation in the novel BRAF L525R mutant.
Int J Clin Oncol. 2023 May;28(5):654-663. - Shitara K, Hirao M, Iwasa S, Oshima T, Komatsu Y, Kawazoe A, Sato Y, Hamakawa T, Yonemori K, Machida N, Yuki S, Suzuki T, Okumura S, Takase T, Semba T, Zimmermann B, Teng A, Yamaguchi K.
Phase I Study of the Liposomal Formulation of Eribulin (E7389-LF): Results from the Advanced Gastric Cancer Expansion Cohort.
Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Apr 14;29(8):1460-1467. - Nakamura Y, Yamashita R, Okamoto W, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Ueno M, Kato K, Taniguchi H, Kagawa Y, Denda T, Hara H, Esaki T, Moriwaki T, Sunakawa Y, Oki E, Nagashima F, Nishina T, Satoh T, Kawakami H, Yamaguchi K, Ohtsubo K, Kato T, Horita Y, Tsuji A, Yasui H, Goto M, Hamamoto Y, Wakabayashi M, Ikeno T, Shitara K, Bando H, Tsuchihara K, Miki I, Ichiki H, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T.
Efficacy of Targeted Trials and Signaling Pathway Landscape in Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancers From SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN: A Nationwide Genomic Profiling Program.
JCO Precis Oncol. 2023 Mar;7:e2200653. - Harada K, TYamamura T, Muto O, Nakamura M, Sogabe S, Sawada K, Nakano S, Yagisawa M, Muranaka T, Dazai M, Tateyama M, Kobayashi Y, Kato S, Hatanaka K, Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Sakata Y, Sakamoto N, Komatsu Y.
Correlation of UGT1A1 Gene Polymorphisms or Prior Irinotecan Treatment and Treatment Outcomes of Nanoliposomal-Irinotecan plus 5-Fluorouracil/Leucovorin for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort Study (HGCSG2101).
J Clin Med. 2023 Feb 17;12(4):1596. - Nakamura M, Ishiguro A, Dazai M, Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Sogabe S, Hosokawa A, Sawada K, Muto O, Izawa N, Nakashima K, Horie Y, Yagisawa M, Kajiura S, Ando T, Mitsuhashi Y, Sunakawa Y, Kikuchi Y, Komatsu Y.
Feasibility of edoxaban for asymptomatic cancer-associated thrombosis in Japanese patients with gastrointestinal cancer: ExCAVE study.
BMC Cancer. 2022 Dec 16;22(1):1322. - Saito R, Kawamoto Y, Nishida M, Iwai T, Kikuchi Y, Yokota I, Takagi R, Yamamura T, Ito K, Harada K, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Sakamoto N.
Usefulness of ultrasonography and elastography in diagnosing oxaliplatin-induced sinusoidal obstruction syndrome.
Int J Clin Oncol. 2022 Nov;27(11):1780-1790. - Nakatsumi H, Komatsu Y, Muranaka T, Yuki S, Kawamoto Y, Harada K, Dazai M, Tateyama M, Sasaki Y, Miyagishima T, Tsuji Y, Katagiri M, Nakamura M, Sogabe S, Hatanaka K, Meguro T, Kobayashi T, Ishiguro A, Muto O, Shindo Y, Kotaka M, Ando T, Takagi R, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y.
Study protocol for HGCSG1801: A multicenter, prospective, phase II trial of second-line FOLFIRI plus aflibercept in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer refractory to anti-EGFR antibodies.
Front Oncol. 2022 Nov 9;12:939425. - Komatsu Y, Shimokawa T, Akiyoshi K, Karayama M, Shimomura A, Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Tambo Y, Kasahara K.
An open-label, crossover study to compare different formulations and evaluate effect of food on pharmacokinetics of pimitespib in patients with advanced solid tumors.
Invest New Drugs. 2022 Oct;40(5):1011-1020. - Kajiwara T, Nishina T, Nakasya A, Yamashita N, Riu Yamashita 4, Nakamura Y, Shiozawa M, Yuki S, Taniguchi H, Hara H, Ohta T, Esaki T, Shinozaki E, Takashima A, Moriwaki T, Denda T, Ohtsubo K, Sunakawa Y, Horita Y, Kawakami H, Kato T, Satoh T, Ando K, Mizutani T, Yasui H, Goto M, Okuyama H, Yamazaki K, Yoshino T, Hyodo I.
NOTCH gene alterations in metastatic colorectal cancer in the Nationwide Cancer Genome Screening Project in Japan (SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN).
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2022 Oct;148(10):2841-2854. - Hino K, Nishina T, Kajiwara T, Bando H, Nakamura M, Kadowaki S, Minashi K, Yuki S, Ohta T, Hara H, Mizukami T, Moriwaki T, Ohtsubo K, Komoda M, Mitani S, Nagashima F, Kato K, Yamada T, Hasegawa H, Yamazaki K, Yoshino T, Hyodo I.
Association of ERBB2 Copy Number and Gene Coalterations With Trastuzumab Efficacy and Resistance in Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive Esophagogastric and Gastric Cancer.
JCO Precis Oncol. 2022 Aug;6:e2200135. - Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Sawada K, Nakamura M, Muto O, Sogabe S, Shindo Y, Ishiguro A, Sato A, Tsuji Y, Dazai M, Okuda H, Meguro T, Harada K, Sekiguchi M, Okada K, Ito Y, Sakata Y, Sakamoto N, Komatsu Y.
Phase II Study of Ramucirumab Plus Irinotecan Combination Therapy as Second-Line Treatment in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer: HGCSG1603.
Oncologist. 2022 Aug 5;27(8):e642-e649. - Ito K, Yuki S, Nakatsumi H, Kawamoto Y, Harada K, Nakano S, Saito R, Ando T, Sawada K, Yagisawa M, Ishiguro A, Dazai M, Iwanaga I, Hatanaka K, Sato A, Matsumoto R, Shindo Y, Tateyama M, Muranaka T, Katagiri M, Yokota I, Sakata Y, Sakamoto N, Komatsu Y.
Multicenter, prospective, observational study of chemotherapy-induced dysgeusia in gastrointestinal cancer.
Support Care Cancer. 2022 Jun;30(6):5351-5359. - Kawakami T, Masuishi T, Kawamoto Y, Go H, Kato K, Kumanishi R, Sawada K, Yuki S, Yamamoto K, Komatsu Y, Muro K, Fushiki K, Shirasu H, Yamazaki K.
The survival benefit of increasing the number of active drugs for metastatic colorectal cancer: A multicenter retrospective study.
Cancer Med. 2022 Jun;11(11):2184-2192. - Mizukami T, Takahashi M, Sunakawa Y, Yuki S, Kagawa Y, Takashima A, Kato K, Hara H, Denda T, Yamamoto Y, Shiozawa M, Oki E, Okamoto W, Yoshino T, Eguchi Nakajima T.
Genomic Landscape of Primary Tumor Site and Clinical Outcome for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving Standard-of-Care Chemotherapy.
Target Oncol. 2022 May;17(3):343-353. - Nakano S, Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Harada K, Miyagishima T, Sogabe S, Dazai M, Sato A, Ishiguro A, Nakamura M, Kajiura S, Takahashi Y, Tateyama M, Hatanaka K, Tsuji Y, Sasaki T, Shindo Y, Kobayashi T, Yokota I, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y, Komatsu Y.
Study protocol of the HGCSG1803: a phase II multicentre, non-randomised, single-arm, prospective trial of combination chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, irinotecan and S-1 (OX-IRIS) as first-line treatment for metastatic or relapsed pancreatic cancer.
BMJ Open. 2022 May 9;12(5):e048833. - Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Meguro T, Hatanaka K, Uebayashi M, Nakamura M, Okuda H, Iwanaga I, Kato T, Nakano S, Sato A, Harada K, Oba K, Sakata Y, Sakamoto N, Komatsu Y.
Phase II Study of Continued Trastuzumab Plus Irinotecan in Patients with HER2-positive Gastric Cancer Previously Treated with Trastuzumab (HGCSG 1201).
Oncologist. 2022 May 6;27(5):340-e374. - Bando H, Nakamura Y, Taniguchi H, Shiozawa M, Yasui H, Esaki T, Kagawa Y, Denda T, Satoh T, Yamazaki K, Sunakawa Y, Kato T, Goto M, Yuki S, Nishina T, Oki E, Shinozaki E, Matsuhashi N, Takahashi N, Tsuji A, Ohtsubo K, Wakabayashi M, Ikeno T, Hata M, Odegaard JI, Yoshino T.
Effects of Metastatic Sites on Circulating Tumor DNA in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
JCO Precis Oncol. 2022 Apr;6:e2100535. - Nakano S, Kawamoto Y, Komatsu Y, Saito R, Ito K, Yamamura T, Harada K, Yuki S, Kawakubo K, Sugiura R, Kato S, Hirata K, Hirata H, Nakajima M, Furukawa R, Takishin Y, Nagai K, Yokota I, Ota K, Nakaoka S, Kuwatani M, Sakamoto N.
Analysis of the Pancreatic Cancer Microbiome Using Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration-Derived Samples.
Pancreas. 2022 Apr 1;51(4):351-357. - Bando H, Tsukada Y, Inamori K, Togashi Y, Koyama S, Kotani D, Fukuoka S, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Homma S, Taketomi A, Uemura M, Kato T, Fukui M, Wakabayashi M, Nakamura N, Kojima M, Kawachi H, Kirsch R, Yoshida T, Suzuki Y, Sato A, Nishikawa H, Ito M, Yoshino T.
Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy plus Nivolumab before Surgery in Patients with Microsatellite Stable and Microsatellite Instability-High Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer.
Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Mar 15;28(6):1136-1146. - Nakamura Y, Okamoto W, Denda T, Nishina T, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Yasui H, Esaki T, Sunakawa Y, Ueno M, Shinozaki E, Matsuhashi N, Ohta T, Kato K, Ohtsubo K, Bando H, Hara H, Satoh T, Yamazaki K, Yamamoto Y, Okano N, Terazawa T, Kato T, Oki E, Tsuji A, Horita Y, Hamamoto Y, Kawazoe A, Nakajima H, Nomura S, Mitani R, Yuasa M, Akagi K, Yoshino T.
Clinical Validity of Plasma-Based Genotyping for Microsatellite Instability Assessment in Advanced GI Cancers: SCRUM-Japan GOZILA Substudy.
JCO Precis Oncol. 2022 Feb;6:e2100383. - Nakamura Y, Okamoto W, Kato T, Esaki T, Kato K, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Masuishi T, Nishina T, Ebi H, Sawada K, Taniguchi H, Fuse N, Nomura S, Fukui M, Matsuda S, Sakamoto Y, Uchigata H, Kitajima K, Kuramoto N, Asakawa T, Olsen S, Odegaard JI, Sato A, Fujii S, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T.
Circulating tumor DNA-guided treatment with pertuzumab plus trastuzumab for HER2-amplified metastatic colorectal cancer: a phase 2 trial.
Nat Med. 2021 Nov;27(11):1899-1903. - Okuyama H, Kagawa Y, Masuishi T, Mishima S, Shirasu H, Ando K, Yuki S, Muro K, Yoshino T, Yamazaki K, Oki E, Komatsu Y, Tsuji A.
Infusion-related reaction to ramucirumab plus FOLFIRI in patients with advanced colorectal cancer.
Int J Clin Oncol. 2021 Nov;26(11):2025-2028. - Kawamoto Y, Nakatsumi H, Harada K, Muranaka T, Ishiguro A, Kobayashi Y, Hayashi H, Yuki S, Sawada K, Yagisawa M, Nakano S, Sakamoto N, Komatsu Y.
A Phase I Trial of Oxaliplatin, Irinotecan, and S-1 Combination Therapy (OX-IRIS) as Chemotherapy for Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer (HGCSG 1403).
Oncologist. 2021 Oct;26(10):e1675-e1682. - Chida K, Kotani D, Masuishi T, Kawakami T, Kawamoto Y, Kato K, Fushiki K, Sawada K, Kumanishi R, Shirasu H, Matsubara Y, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Yamazaki K, Yoshino T.
The Prognostic Impact of KRAS G12C Mutation in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Multicenter Retrospective Observational Study.
Oncologist. 2021 Oct;26(10):845-853. - Denda T, Takashima A, Gamoh M, Iwanaga I, Komatsu Y, Takahashi M, Nakamura M, Ohori H, Sakashita A, Tsuda M, Kobayashi Y, Baba H, Kotake M, Ishioka C, Yamada Y, Sato A, Yuki S, Morita S, Takahashi S, Yamaguchi T, Shimada K.
Combination therapy of bevacizumab with either S-1 and irinotecan or mFOLFOX6/CapeOX as first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (TRICOLORE): Exploratory analysis of RAS status and primary tumour location in a randomised, open-label, phase III, non-inferiority trial.
Eur J Cancer. 2021 Sep;154:296-306. - Yamazaki K, Yuki S, Oki E, Sano F, Makishima M, Aoki K, Hamano T, Yamanaka T.
Real-World Evidence on Second-Line Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Using Fluoropyrimidine, Irinotecan, and Angiogenesis Inhibitor.
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2021 Sep;20(3):e173-e184. - Nakajima H, Fukuoka S, Masuishi T, Takashima A, Kumekawa Y, Kajiwara T, Yamazaki K, Negoro Y, Komoda M, Makiyama A, Denda T, Hatachi Y, Suto T, Sugimoto N, Enomoto M, Ishikawa T, Kashiwada T, Ando K, Yuki S, Okuyama H, Kusaba H, Sakai D, Okamoto K, Tamura T, Yamashita K, Gosho M, Moriwaki T.
Clinical Impact of Primary Tumor Location in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Under Later-Line Regorafenib or Trifluridine/Tipiracil Treatment.
Front Oncol. 2021 Jun 15;11:688709. - Kato K, Masuishi T, Fushiki K, Nakano S, Kawamoto Y, Narita Y, Tsushima T, Harada K, Kadowaki S, Todaka A, Yuki S, Tajika M, Machida N, Komatsu Y, Yasui H, Muro K, Kawakami T.
Impact of tumor growth rate during preceding treatment on tumor response to nivolumab or irinotecan in advanced gastric cancer.
ESMO Open. 2021 Jun 10;6(4):100179. - Nakajima H, Kotani D, Bando H, Kato T, Oki E, Shinozaki E, Sunakawa Y, Yamazaki K, Yuki S, Nakamura Y, Yamanaka T, Yoshino T, Ohta T, Taniguchi H, Kagawa Y.
REMARRY and PURSUIT trials: liquid biopsy-guided rechallenge with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy with panitumumab plus irinotecan for patients with plasma RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer.
BMC Cancer. 2021 Jun 7;21(1):674. - Yagisawa M, Sawada K, Nakamura Y, Fujii S, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Yoshino T, Sakamoto N, Taniguchi H.
Prognostic Value and Molecular Landscape of HER2 Low-Expressing Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2021 Jun;20(2):113-120. - Uchiyama K, Saito Y, Takekuma Y, Yuki S, Sugawara M.
Alleviation of Abdominal Pain due to Irinotecan-Induced Cholinergic Syndrome Using Loperamide: A Case Report.
Case Rep Oncol. 2021 May-August;14(2):806-811. - Takahashi S, Sakamoto Y, Denda T, Takashima A, Komatsu Y, Nakamura M, Ohori H, Yamaguchi T, Kobayashi Y, Baba H, Kotake M, Amagai K, Kondo H, Shimada K, Sato A, Yuki S, Okita A, Ouchi K, Komine K, Watanabe M, Morita S, Ishioka C.
Advanced colorectal cancer subtypes (aCRCS) help select oxaliplatin-based or irinotecan-based therapy for colorectal cancer.
Cancer Sci. 2021 Apr;112(4):1567-1578. - Chida K, Kotani D, Moriwaki T, Fukuoka S, Masuishi T, Takashima A, Kumekawa Y, Kajiwara T, Yamazaki K, Komoda M, Makiyama A, Denda T, Hatachi Y, Suto T, Sugimoto N, Enomoto M, Ishikawa T, Kashiwada T, Ando K, Yuki S, Okita Y, Kusaba H, Sakai D, Okamoto K, Tamura T, Yamashita K, Gosho M, Shimada Y.
Survival Benefit of Crossover Administration of Regorafenib and Trifluridine/Tipiracil Hydrochloride for Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Exploratory Analysis of a Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum Multicenter Observational Study (REGOTAS).
Front Oncol. 2021 Mar 8;11:576036. - Saito Y, Takekuma Y, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Sugawara M.
Hypertriglyceridemia Induced by Fluorouracil: A Novel Case Report.
Case Rep Oncol. 2021 Jan-Apr;14(1):207-211. - Kawazoe A, Kuboki Y, Shinozaki E, Hara H, Nishina T, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Wakabayashi M, Nomura S, Sato A, Kuwata T, Kawazu M, Mano M, Togashi Y, Nishikawa H, Yoshino T.
Multicenter Phase I/II Trial of Napabucasin and Pembrolizumab in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (EPOC1503/SCOOP Trial).
Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Nov 15;26(22):5887-5894. - Loupakis F, Antonuzzo L, Bachet JB, Kuan FC, Macarulla T, Pietrantonio F, Xu RH, Taniguchi H, Winder T, Yuki S, Zeng S, Bekaii-Saab T.
Practical considerations in the use of regorafenib in metastatic colorectal cancer.
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2020 Oct 31;12:1758835920956862. - Nakano S, Yuki S, Kawamoto Y, Nakatsumi H, Ando T, Kajiura S, Yoshikawa A, Harada K, Hatanaka K, Tanimoto A, Ishiguro A, Honda T, Dazai M, Sasaki T, Sakamoto N, Komatsu Y.
Impact of single-heterozygous UGT1A1 on the clinical outcomes of irinotecan monotherapy after fluoropyrimidine and platinum-based combination therapy for gastric cancer: a multicenter retrospective study.
Int J Clin Oncol. 2020 Oct;25(10):1800-1806. - Hasegawa H, Taniguchi H, Nakamura Y, Kato T, Fujii S, Ebi H, Shiozawa M, Yuki S, Masuishi T, Kato K, Izawa N, Moriwaki T, Oki E, Kagawa Y, Denda T, Nishina T, Tsuji A, Hara H, Esaki T, Nishida T, Kawakami H, Sakamoto Y, Miki I, Okamoto W, Yamazaki K, Yoshino T.
FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) amplification in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
Cancer Sci. 2020 Oct 19;112(1):314-322. - Nakano S, Komatsu Y, Kawamoto Y, Saito R, Ito K, Nakatsumi H, Yuki S, Sakamoto N.
Association between the use of antibiotics and efficacy of gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel in advanced pancreatic cancer.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Sep 25;99(39):e22250. - Oki E, Kawahira M, Kusumoto T, Yuki S, Hatanaka K, Kobayashi Y, Nishie A, Kawanami S, Makiyama A, Saeki H, Sakamoto S, Komatsu Y, Shimokawa M, Mori M, Esaki T.
Multicenter Cohort Study to Assess the Association between Changes on Imaging and Outcome after Regorafenib Treatment (KSCC1603).
Oncology. 2020;98(10):719-726. - Yuki S, Shinozaki K, Kashiwada T, Kusumoto T, Iwatsuki M, Satake H, Kobayashi K, Esaki T, Nakashima Y, Kawanaka H, Emi Y, Komatsu Y, Shimokawa M, Makiyama A, Saeki H, Oki E, Baba H, Mori M.
Multicenter phase II study of SOX plus trastuzumab for patients with HER2+ metastatic or recurrent gastric cancer: KSCC/HGCSG/CCOG/PerSeUS 1501B.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2020 Jan;85(1):217-223. - Okada Y, Oba K, Furukawa N, Kosaka Y, Okita K, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Celio L, Aapro M.
One-Day Versus Three-Day Dexamethasone in Combination with Palonosetron for the Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data-Based Meta-Analysis.
Oncologist. 2019 Dec;24(12):1593-1600. - Masuishi T, Taniguchi H, Kawakami T, Kawamoto Y, Kadowaki S, Onozawa Y, Muranaka T, Tajika M, Yasui H, Nakatsumi H, Yuki S, Muro K, Omae K, Komatsu Y, Yamazaki K.
Impact of tumour growth rate during preceding treatment on tumour response to regorafenib or trifluridine/tipiracil in refractory metastatic colorectal cancer.
ESMO Open. 2019 Nov;4(6):e000584. - Fujii S, Yoshino T, Yamazaki K, Muro K, Yamaguchi K, Nishina T, Yuki S, Shinozaki E, Shitara K, Bando H, Mimaki S, Nakai C, Matsushima K, Suzuki Y, Akagi K, Yamanaka T, Nomura S, Esumi H, Sugiyama M, Nishida N, Mizokami M, Koh Y, Abe Y, Ohtsu A, Tsuchihara K.
Histopathological factors affecting the extraction of high quality genomic DNA from tissue sections for next-generation sequencing.
Biomed Rep. 2019 Oct;11(4):171-180. - Harada K, Okamoto W, Mimaki S, Kawamoto Y, Bando H, Yamashita R, Yuki S, Yoshino T, Komatsu Y, Ohtsu A, Sakamoto N, Tsuchihara K.
Comparative sequence analysis of patient-matched primary colorectal cancer, metastatic, and recurrent metastatic tumors after adjuvant FOLFOX chemotherapy.
BMC Cancer. 2019 Mar 21;19(1):255. - Sawada K, Nakamura Y, Yamanaka T, Kuboki Y, Yamaguchi D, Yuki S, Yoshino T, Komatsu Y, Sakamoto N, Okamoto W, Fujii S.
Prognostic and Predictive Value of HER2 Amplification in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2018 Sep;17(3):198-205. - Tanioka H, Miyamoto Y, Tsuji A, Asayama M, Shiraishi T, Yuki S, Kotaka M, Makiyama A, Shimokawa M, Shimose T, Masuda S, Yamaguchi T, Komatsu Y, Saeki H, Emi Y, Baba H, Oki E, Maehara Y; Kyushu Study Group of Clinical Cancer (KSCC).
Prophylactic Effect of Dexamethasone on Regorafenib-Related Fatigue and/or Malaise: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Study in Patients with Unresectable Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (KSCC1402/HGCSG1402).
Oncology. 2018;94(5):289-296. - Yamada Y, Denda T, Gamoh M, Iwanaga I, Yuki S, Shimodaira H, Nakamura M, Yamaguchi T, Ohori H, Kobayashi K, Tsuda M, Kobayashi Y, Miyamoto Y, Kotake M, Shimada K, Sato A, Morita S, Takahashi S, Komatsu Y, Ishioka C.
S-1 and irinotecan plus bevacizumab versus mFOLFOX6 or CapeOX plus bevacizumab as first-line treatment in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (TRICOLORE): a randomized, open-label, phase III, noninferiority trial.
Ann Oncol. 2018 Mar 1;29(3):624-631. - Kawamoto Y, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Sawada K, Muranaka T, Harada K, Nakatsumi H, Fukushima H, Ishiguro A, Dazai M, Hatanaka K, Nakamura M, Iwanaga I, Uebayashi M, Sogabe S, Kobayashi Y, Miyagishima T, Ono K, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y.
Study protocol of HGCSG1404 SNOW study: a phase I/II trial of combined chemotherapy of S-1, nab-paclitaxel and oxaliplatin administered biweekly to patients with advanced gastric cancer.
BMC Cancer. 2017 Dec 8;17(1):837. - Muranaka T, Komatsu Y, Yagisawa M, Sawada K, Harada K, Kawamoto Y, Nakatsumi H, Yuki S, Ono K, Kawahata S, Kobayashi Y, Sogabe S, Miyagishima T, Hatanaka K, Sasaki T, Dazai M, Iwanaga I, Ishiguro A, Nakamura M, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y.
Protocol: Feasibility Study of Bolus 5-Fluorouracil+L-Leucovorin as Salvage Line Chemotherapy for Oral Fluorouracil-Resistant Unresectable Gastric Cancer: Hokkaido Gastrointestinal Cancer Study Group Study HGCSG1502.
J Clin Trials. 2017 Dec;7(6):1000337. - Shinozaki E, Yoshino T, Yamazaki K, Muro K, Yamaguchi K, Nishina T, Yuki S, Shitara K, Bando H, Mimaki S, Nakai C, Matsushima K, Suzuki Y, Akagi K, Yamanaka T, Nomura S, Fujii S, Esumi H, Sugiyama M, Nishida N, Mizokami M, Koh Y, Abe Y, Ohtsu A, Tsuchihara K.
Clinical significance of BRAF non-V600E mutations on the therapeutic effects of anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody treatment in patients with pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer: the Biomarker Research for anti-EGFR monoclonal Antibodies by Comprehensive Cancer genomics (BREAC) study.
Br J Cancer. 2017 Nov 7;117(10):1450-1458. - Muranaka T, Kuwatani M, Komatsu Y, Sawada K, Nakatsumi H, Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Kubota Y, Kubo K, Kawahata S, Kawakubo K, Kawakami H, Sakamoto N.
Comparison of efficacy and toxicity of FOLFIRINOX and gemcitabine with nab-paclitaxel in unresectable pancreatic cancer.
J Gastrointest Oncol. 2017 Jun;8(3):566-571. - Nakamura M, Ishiguro A, Muranaka T, Fukushima H, Yuki S, Ono K, Murai T, Matsuda C, Oba A, Itaya K, Sone T, Yagisawa M, Koike Y, Endo A, Tsukuda Y, Ono Y, Kudo T, Nagasaka A, Nishikawa S, Komatsu Y.
A Prospective Observational Study on Effect of Short-Term Periodic Steroid Premedication on Bone Metabolism in Gastrointestinal Cancer (ESPRESSO-01).
Oncologist. 2017 May;22(5):592-600. - Muranaka T, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Sawada K, Harada K, Kawamoto Y, Nakatsumi H, Sakamoto N.
Efficacy and Safety of Bolus 5-Fluorouracil and L-Leucovorin as Salvage Chemotherapy for Oral Fluoropyrimidine-Resistant Unresectable or Recurrent Gastric Cancer: A Single Center Experience.
J Gastric Cancer. 2016 Sep;16(3):177-181. - Fuse N, Kuboki Y, Kuwata T, Nishina T, Kadowaki S, Shinozaki E, Machida N, Yuki S, Ooki A, Kajiura S, Kimura T, Yamanaka T, Shitara K, Nagatsuma AK, Yoshino T, Ochiai A, Ohtsu A.
Prognostic impact of HER2, EGFR, and c-MET status on overall survival of advanced gastric cancer patients.
Gastric Cancer. 2016 Jan;19(1):183-91. - Komatsu Y, Ishioka C, Shimada K, Yamada Y, Gamoh M, Sato A, Yamaguchi T, Yuki S, Morita S, Takahashi S, Goto R, Kurihara M.
Study protocol of the TRICOLORE trial: a randomized phase III study of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy versus combination chemotherapy with S-1, irinotecan, and bevacizumab as first-line therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer.
BMC Cancer. 2015 Sep 9;15:626. - Komatsu Y, Okita K, Yuki S, Furuhata T, Fukushima H, Masuko H, Kawamoto Y, Isobe H, Miyagishima T, Sasaki K, Nakamura M, Ohsaki Y, Nakajima J, Tateyama M, Eto K, Minami S, Yokoyama R, Iwanaga I, Shibuya H, Kudo M, Oba K, Takahashi Y.
An open-label, randomized, comparative, phase III study on effects of reducing steroid use in combination with Palonosetron.
Cancer Sci. 2015 Jul;106(7):891-5. - Kobayashi Y, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Fukushima H, Sasaki T, Iwanaga I, Uebayashi M, Okuda H, Kusumi T, Miyagishima T, Sogabe S, Tateyama M, Hatanaka K, Tsuji Y, Nakamura M, Konno J, Yamamoto F, Onodera M, Iwai K, Sakata Y, Abe R, Oba K, Sakamoto N.
Randomized controlled trial on the skin toxicity of panitumumab in Japanese patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: HGCSG1001 study; J-STEPP.
Future Oncol. 2015 Feb;11(4):617-27. - Komatsu Y, Yoshino T, Yamazaki K, Yuki S, Machida N, Sasaki T, Hyodo I, Yachi Y, Onuma H, Ohtsu.
A Phase 1 study of efatutazone, a novel oral peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist, in combination with FOLFIRI as second-line therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
Invest New Drugs. 2014 Jun;32(3):473-80. - Shitara K, Yuki S, Tahahari D, Nakamura M, Kondo C, Tsuda T, Kii T, Tsuji Y, Utsunomiya S, Ichikawa D, Hosokawa A, Ishiguro A, Sakai D, Hironaka S, Oze I, Matsuo K, Muro K.
Randomised phase II study comparing dose-escalated weekly paclitaxel vs standard-dose weekly paclitaxel for patients with previously treated advanced gastric cancer.
Br J Cancer. 2014 Jan 21;110(2):271-7. - Bando H, Yoshino T, Shinozaki E, Nishina T, Yamazaki K, Yamaguchi K, Yuki S, Kajiura S, Fujii S, Yamanaka T, Tsuchihara K, Ohtsu A.
Simultaneous identification of 36 mutations in KRAS codons 61 and 146, BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA in a single reaction by multiplex assay kit.
BMC Cancer. 2013 Sep 3;13:405. - Shitara K, Yuki S, Yamazaki K, Naito Y, Fukushima H, Komatsu Y, Yasui H, Takano T, Muro K.
Validation study of a prognostic classification in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who received irinotecan-based second-line chemotherapy.
Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2013 Apr;139(4):595-603. - Nakatsumi H, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Sogabe S, Tateyama M, Muto S, Kudo M, Kato K, Miyagishima T, Uebayashi M, Meguro T, Oba K, Asaka M.
Optimal Dose Period for Indisetron Tablets for Preventing Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting with Modified FOLFOX6: A Randomized Pilot Study.
Chemotherapy. 2012;58(6):439-44. - Bando H, Yoshino T, Yuki S, Shinozaki E, Nishina T, Kadowaki S, Yamazaki K, Kajiura S, Tsuchihara K, Fujii S, Yamanaka T, Ohtsu A.
Clinical Outcome of Japanese Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Harbouring the KRAS p.G13D Mutation Treated with Cetuximab + Irinotecan.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec;42(12):1146-51. - Morita S, Oizumi S, Minami H, Kitagawa K, Komatsu Y, Fujiwara Y, Inada M, Yuki S, Kiyota N, Mitsuma A, Sawaki M, Tanii H, Kimura J, Ando Y.
Phase I dose-escalating study of panobinostat (LBH589) administered intravenously to Japanese patients with advanced solid tumors.
Invest New Drugs. 2012 Oct;30(5):1950-7. - Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Sogabe S, Fukushima H, Nakatsumi H, Kobayashi Y, Iwanaga I, Nakamura M, Hatanaka K, Miyagishima T, Kudo M, Munakata M, Meguro T, Tateyama M, Sakata Y.
Phase II study of combined chemotherapy with irinotecan and S-1 (IRIS) plus bevacizumab in patients with inoperable recurrent or advanced colorectal cancer.
Acta Oncol. 2012 Sep;51(7):867-72. - Shitara K, Yuki S, Yoshida M, Takahari D, Utsunomiya S, Yokota T, Sato Y, Inaba Y, Tajika M, Kawai H, Yamaura H, Kato M, Yamazaki K, Komatsu Y, Muro K.
Phase II study of combination chemotherapy with biweekly cetuximab and irinotecan for wild-type KRAS metastatic colorectal cancer refractory to irinotecan, oxaliplatin, and fluoropyrimidines.
Invest New Drugs. 2012 Apr;30(2):787-93. - Shitara K, Ura T, Matsuo K, Takahari D, Yokota T, Yuki S, Yoshida M, Utsunomiya S, Sato Y, Yamaura H, Kato M, Inaba Y, Tajika M, Kawai H, Yamazaki K, Komatsu Y, Muro K.
Sensitivity to previous irinotecan treatment does not predict the efficacy of combination chemotherapy with cetuximab plus irinotecan for wild-type KRAS metastatic colorectal cancer.
Eur J Cancer. 2011 Dec;47(18):2673-80. - Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Sogabe S, Fukushima H, Iwanaga I, Kudo M, Tateyama M, Meguro T, Uebayashi M, Saga A, Sakata Y, Asaka M.
Phase II study of combined treatment with irinotecan and S-1 (IRIS) in patients with inoperable or recurrent advanced colorectal cancer (HGCSG0302).
Oncology. 2011 Jun;80(1-2):70-5. - Sogabe S, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Kusumi T, Hatanaka K, Nakamura M, Kato T, Miyagishima T, Hosokawa A, Iwanaga I, Sakata Y, Asaka M.
Retrospective cohort study on the safety and efficacy of bevacizumab with chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer patients: the HGCSG0801 study.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2011 Apr;41(4):490-7. - Shitara K, Oze I, Mizota A, Kondo C, Nomura M, Yokota T, Takahari D, Ura T, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Matsuo K, Muro K.
Randomized phase II study comparing dose escalated weekly paclitaxel vs. standard dose weekly paclitaxel for patients with previously treated advanced gastric cancer.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2011 Feb;41(2):287-90. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Fuse N, Kato T, Miyagishima T, Kudo M, Watanabe M, Tateyama M, Kunieda Y, Wakahama O, Sakata Y, Asaka M.
Modified-irinotecan/fluorouracil/levoleucovorin therapy as ambulatory treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer: results of phase I and II studies.
Clin Drug Investig. 2010 Aug;30(4):243-9. - Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Fuse N, Kato T, Miyagishima T, Kudo M, Kunieda Y, Tateyama M, Wakahama O, Meguro T, Sakata Y, Asaka M.
Phase 1/2 clinical study of irinotecan and oral S-1 (IRIS) in patients with advanced gastric cancer.
Adv Ther. 2010 Jul;27(7):483-92. - Shitara K, Yokota T, Takahari D, Shibata T, Ura T, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Yoshida M, Takiuchi H, Utsunomiya S, Yatabe Y, Muro K.
Phase II study of combination chemotherapy with biweekly cetuximab and irinotecan for pre-treated metastatic colorectal cancer harboring wild-type KRAS.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jul;40(7):699-701. - Shitara K, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Munakata M, Muto O, Shimaya S, Sakata Y.
Pilot study of combination chemotherapy using irinotecan plus S-1 for metastatic pancreatic cancer.
Oncology. 2008 Sep;75(1-2):67-70. - Komatsu Y, Takei M, Yuki S, Fuse N, Furukawa S, Kato T, Takeda H, Kato M, Asaka M.
Treatment of a Gilbert's syndrome patient with irinotecan, leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil.
J Chemother. 2005 Feb;17(1):111-4. - Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Fuse N, Takei M, Kato T, Miyagishima T, Kudo M, Kunieda Y, Tateyama M, Wakahama O, Meguro T, Ohizumi H, Watanabe M, Akita H, Sakata Y, Asaka M.
Phase II study of oral S-1 plus irinotecan in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: Hokkaido Gastrointestinal Cancer Study Group HGCSG0302.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2005 Feb;35(2):88-9.
- Yuki S, Harada K, Kawakami T, Ogata T, Hu Q, Fushiki K, Oshima K, Kadowaki S, Taniguchi H, Muro K, Nakanishi R, Ando K, Nambara S, Nakamura T, Kawamoto Y, Komatsu Y, Oki E, Masuishi T, Yamazaki K.
The Impacts of Starting Regorafenib Dose on Treatment Outcomes in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
ESMO 2023 Congress. Madrid, Oct 20-24, 2023. - Yuki S, Ito K, Harada K, Kawamoto Y, Yagisawa M, Sawada K, Ishiguro A, Muto O, Hatanaka K, Okuda H, Sato A, Sasaki Y, Nakamura M, Meguro T, Dazai M, Nakatsumi H, Ueda A, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y, Komatsu Y.
HGCSG1901: A Retrospective Cohort Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of S-1 and Irinotecan plus Bevacizumab in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Impact of single‑heterozygous UGT1A1 on the clinical outcomes.
ESMO Asia Congress 2022. Singapore, Dec 02-04, 2022. - Yuki S, Yamazaki K, Sunakawa Y, Taniguchi H, Masuishi T, Shiozawa M, Bando H, Nishina T, Yasui H, Ohta T, Takahashi N, Denda T, Yoshida K, Kato T, Oki E, Okugawa Y, Ebi H, Abe Y, Nomura S, Yoshino T.
Analysis of plasma angiogenesis factors on the efficacy of 2nd-line (2L) chemotherapy (chemo) combined with angiogenesis inhibitors (AIs) in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Results from GI-SCREEN CRC Ukit study.
ESMO Congress 2022. Paris, Sep 09-13, 2022. - Yuki S, Sunakawa Y, Yamazaki K, Shirasu H, Taniguchi H, Masuishi T, Shiozawa M, Bando H, Nishina T, Yasui H, Ohta T, Takahashi N, Denda T, Esaki T, Kawakami H, Satake H, Takashima A, Abe Y, Nomura S, Yoshino T.
Analysis of plasma angiogenesis factors on the efficacy of 1st-line (1L) chemotherapy (chemo) combined with biologics in RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC); Results from GI-SCREEN CRC Ukit study.
2022 ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago & WEB, Jun 3-7, 2022. - Yuki S, Taniguchi H, Masuishi T, Shiozawa M, Bando H, Yamazaki K, Nishina T, Yasui H, Denda T, Sunakawa Y, Satake H, Yoshida K, Kanazawa A, Oki E, Okugawa Y, Ebi H, Abe Y, Nomura S, Asano C, Yoshino T.
Impact of plasma angiogenesis factors on the efficacy of 2nd-line chemotherapy combined with biologics in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC); Early efficacy results from GI-SCREEN CRC Ukit study.
ESMO Congress 2021. WEB, Sep 16-21, 2021. - Yuki S, Nakamura Y, Taniguchi H, Denda T, Nishina T, Hamamoto Y, Hara H, Esaki T, Kawakami H, Takashima A, Satoh T, Okano N, Sunakawa Y, Masuishi T, Shinozaki E, Moriwaki T, Miki I, Shitara K, Yoshino T.
Expression of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in colorectal cancer (CRC): A post-hoc integrated analysis of SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN CRC.
2021 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. WEB, Jan 15-17, 2021. - Yuki S, Bando H, Tsukada Y, Inamori K, Komatsu Y, Homma S, Uemura M, Kato T, Kotani D, Fukuoka S, Nakamura N, Fukui M, Wakabayashi M, Kojima M, Togashi Y, Sato A, Nishikawa H, Ito M, Yoshino T.
Short-Term Results of VOLTAGE-A: Nivolumab Monotherapy and Subsequent Radical Surgery Following Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Microsatellite Stable and Microsatellite Instability- High Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (EPOC 1504).
The ESMO World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 2020 VIRTUAL. WEB, Jul 1-4, 2020. - Yuki S, Bando H, Tsukada Y, Inamori K, Komatsu Y, Homma S, Uemura M, Kato T, Kotani D, Fukuoka S, Nakamura N, Fukui M, Wakabayashi M, Kojima M, Togashi Y, Sato A, Nishikawa H, Ito M, Yoshino T.
Short-Term Results of VOLTAGE-A: Nivolumab Monotherapy and Subsequent Radical Surgery Following Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Microsatellite Stable and Microsatellite Instability- High Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer.
ASCO20 Virtual. WEB, May 29-31, 2020. - Yuki S, Gamoh M, Denda T, Takashima A, Takahashi S, Nakamura M, Ohori H, Yamaguchi T, Kobayashi Y, Baba H, Kotake M, Amagai K, Kondo H, Shimada K, Sato A, Ishioka C, Komine K, Ouchi K, Morita S, Komatsu Y.
Analysis of consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) classification in the TRICOLORE trial: A randomized phase 3 trial of S-1 and irinotecan (IRI) plus bevacizumab (Bmab) versus mFOLFOX6 or CapeOX plus Bmab as first-line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC).
2020 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 23-25, 2020. - Yuki S, Shinozaki K, Kashiwada T, Kusumoto T, Iwatsuki M, Satake H, Tokunaga S, Emi Y, Makiyama A, Kawamoto Y, Komatsu Y, Shimokawa M, Saeki H, Oki E, Baba H, Maehara Y.
Updated analysis of a phase II study of SOX plus trastuzumab for the patients with HER2 positive advanced or recurrent gastric cancer: KSCC/HGCSG/CCOG/PerSeUS1501B.
ESMO 2018 Congress. Munich, Oct 19-23, 2018. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Kawamoto Y, Nakatsumi H, Takahashi N, Shichinohe T, Okuda H, Ishiguro A, Harada K, Iwanaga I, Hatanaka K, Oomori K, Nakamura M, Senmaru N, Iwai K, Koike M, Shinohara T, Miyashita K, Ito Y, Taketomi A, Hirano S, Sakamoto N.
NORTH/HGCSG1003: A phase II study evaluating the safety and efficacy of FOLFOX as adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage III colon cancer: Comparison with medical oncologists and surgeons.
The ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer. Barcelona, Jun 20-23, 2018. - Yuki S, Shitara K, Kadowaki S, Minashi K, Takeno A, Hara H, Kajiwara T, Sunakawa Y, Iwasa S, Yamamoto Y, Nagashima F, Nakanishi R, Esaki T, Yoshikawa T, Nomura S, Kuwata T, Fujii S, Okamoto W, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T.
The Nationwide Cancer Genome Screening Project in Japan, SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN: Efficient Identification of Cancer Genome Alterations in Advanced Gastric Cancer (GC).
2018 ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago, Jun 1-5, 2018. - Yuki S, Yamazaki K, Taniguchi H, Sunakawa Y, Kawazoe A, Kagawa Y, Kato K, Hara H, Denda T, Oki E, Moriwaki T, Shiozawa M, Satoh T, Kawakami H, Esaki T, Furuse J, Abe Y, Nomura S, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T.
The Nationwide Screening Project on Plasma Angiogenesis-Related Mediators for Treatment Selection of Optimal Antiangiogenic Inhibitors in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: GI-SCREEN CRC-Ukit.
2018 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 18-20, 2018. - Yuki S, Kato T, Taniguchi H, Hamaguchi T, Akagi K, DendaT, Mizukami T, Oki E, Yamada T, Shiozawa M, Kudo T, Tamura T, Esaki T, Naruge D, Kajiwara T, Nomura S, Fujii S, Shitara K, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T.
The Nationwide Cancer Genome Screening Project in Japan, SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN: Efficient Identification of Cancer Genome Alterations in Advanced Colorectal Cancer.
ESMO 2017 Congress. Madrid, Sep 8-12, 2017. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Yagisawa M, Tsuji Y, Harada K, Hatanaka K, Okuda H, Hosokawa A, Ogawa K, Furukawa K, Minami S, Ishiguro A, Honda T, Ohta T, Dazai M, Eto K, Sasaki T, Nakajima J, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y.
A Retrospective Cohort Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of TAS-102 in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer [HGCSG1503]: Updated analysis.
ESMO 2017 Congress. Madrid, Sep 08-12, 2017. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Muranaka T, Tsuji Y, Harada K, Ota Y, Hatanaka K, Okuda H, Sasaki T, Dazai M, Konno J, Nakamura M, Ohta T, Honda T, Ishiguro A, Muto O, Kato S, Sato A, Abe M, Eto K, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y.
A Retrospective Cohort Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Regorafenib in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer [HGCSG1401]: Analysis of tumor location.
The ESMO 19th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer. Barcelona, Jun 28-Jul 1, 2017. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Satake H, Miyamoto Y, Tanioka H, Tsuji A, Asayama M, Shiraishi T, Kotaka M, Makiyama A, Kashiwada T, Takeuchi N, Shimokawa M, Saeki H, Oki E, Emi Y, Baba H, Maehara Y.
Updated report: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study of prophylactic dexamethasone (dex) therapy for fatigue and malaise due to regorafenib in patient (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): [KSCC1402/HGCSG1402].
ESMO 2016 Congress. Copenhagen, Oct 7-11, 2016. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Muranaka T, Harada K, Sugiyama J, Tsuji Y, Ando T, Hosokawa A, Hatanaka K, Naruse H, Takahata T, Sato A, Kobayashi Y, Miyagishima T, Okuda H, Kudo M, Nakamura M, Hisai H, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y.
Phase II trial of Panitumumab monotherapy for patients with KRAS exon2 wild type colorectal cancer after progression on Cetuximab [HGCSG1101].
ESMO 2016 Congress. Copenhagen, Oct 7-11, 2016. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Nakatsumi H, Kawamoto Y, Muranaka T, Sawada K, Tsuji Y, Hosokawa A, Nakamura M, Muto O, Sasaki T, Iwanaga I, Hatanaka K, Sato A, Eto K, Furukawa K, Tateyama M, Takahashi Y, Sogabe S, Honda T, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y.
Final analysis : Phase II trial of Irinotecan/S-1/Cetuximab (IRIS/Cet) as second line treatment in patients with KRAS exon2 wild type mCRC: HGCSG0902. -Comparison of administration interval in Cetuximab treatment.
The ESMO 18th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer. Barcelona, Jun 29-Jul 2, 2016. - Yuki S, Nakatsumi H, Sawada K, Kato T, Meguro T, Nakamura M, Iwanaga I, Ehira N, Sonoda N, Kudo M, Kato K, Sogabe S, Amano T, Ono K, Sakamoto K, Miyamoto N, Kudo K, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y, Komatsu Y.
Observational Cohort Study of First-line Bevacizumab with Oxaliplatin or Irinotecan and Fluoropyrimidines in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: HGCSG0802: Analysis of early tumor shrinkage (ETS).
2016 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 21-23, 2016. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Nakatsumi H, Muranaka T, Kobayashi Y, Miyagishima T, Ehira N, Iwanaga I, Okuda H, Tateyama M, Tsuji Y, Hatanaka K, Nakamura M, Kudo M, Fukushima H, Hisai H, Abe R, Sakamoto N, Oba K, Sakata Y.
Randomized controlled trial on the skin toxicity of panitumumab in third line treatment of KRAS Exon2 wild-type mCRC: Japanese Skin Toxicity Evaluation Protocol with Panitumumab: J-STEPP/HGCSG1001: Updated analysis of anti-tumor efficacy.
ESMO Asia 2015. Singapore, Dec 18-21, 2015. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Muranaka T, Hayashi H, Yoshida S, Ohta Y, Hatanaka K, Tsuji Y, Kawamoto Y, Yoshizaki K, Sato A, Eto K, Onodera K, Kato S, Nakamura M, Muto O, Abe M, Sato Y, Ishiguro A, Tateyama M, Okuda H, Sakamoto S, Sakata Y.
A Retrospective Cohort Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Regorafenib in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer; the HGCSG1401 Study -First Report-.
The ESMO 17th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer. Barcelona, July 1-4, 2015. - Yuki S, Yoshino T, Tsuchihara K, Shinozaki E, Muro K, Nishina T, Yamaguchi K, Akagi K, Yamazaki K, Yamanaka T, Nomura S, Fujii S, Esumi H, Abe Y, Ohtsu A.
Clinical impact of expanded BRAF mutational status on the outcome for metastatic colorectal cancer patients with anti-EGFR antibody: An analysis of the BREAC trial (Biomarker Research for Anti-EGFR Monoclonal Antibodies by Comprehensive Cancer Genomics).
2015 ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago, May 29-Jun 2, 2015. - Yuki S, Nakatsumi H, Hayashi H, Fukushima H, Kato T, Meguro T, Nakamura M, Iwanaga I, Eto K, Sato A, Okuda H, Oba A, Miyagishima T, Muto O, Yabusaki S, Miyamoto N, Kudo K, Sakamoto N, Sakata Y, Komatsu Y.
Association of morphologic response with progression free survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with bevacizumab-based chemotherapy: HGCSG0802.
2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 15-17, 2015. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Harada K, Fukushima H, Sasaki T, Kobayashi Y, Tsuji Y, Naruse H, Okuda H, Takahashi Y, Hosokawa A, Konno J, Eto K, Kudo M, Kawamoto Y, Sonoda N, Sato Y, Uebayashi M, Kato T, Onodera M, Ohta T, Sakata Y.
Analysis of Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) in KRAS Exon2 wild type patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) treated with salvage-line cetuximab-based regimen: HGCSG0901.
The ESMO 16th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer. Barcelona, Jun 25-28, 2014. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Fukushima H, Sasaki T, Kobayashi Y, Harada K, Dazai M, Sogabe S, Miyagishima T, Ichiguro A, Takahata T, Sato A, Kudo M, Kato S, Kato K, Iwanaga I, Ehira N, Uebayashi M, Sakata Y.
Phase II trial of S-1 plus split Cisplatin (SSP) in patients with advanced gastric cancer [HGCSG0702]: Final report.
2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 16-18, 2014. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Fukushima H, Sasaki T, Kobayashi Y, Harada K, Amano T, Nakamura M, Kudo M, Tateyama M, Hatanaka K, Saitoh S, Miyagishima T, Kato T, Kawamoto Y, Takagi T, Iwanaga I, Miyashita K, Onodera M, Sakata Y.
The efficacy of first-line IRIS with or without bevacizumab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Including multivariate analysis of two phase II studies.
2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 16-18, 2014. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Fukushima H, Doi A, Tsuji Y, Hatanaka K, Okuda H, Fujikawa K, Watanabe Y, Hosokawa A, Amano T, Eto K, Kudo M, Akakura N, Munakata M, Tateyama M, Sato Y, Miyagishima T, Uebayashi M, Sakata Y.
Analysis of Kohne's prognostic index in KRAS wild type patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) treated with salvage-line cetuximab-based regimen: HGCSG0901.
22nd Asia Pacific Cancer Conference. Tianjin, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2013. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Tsuji Y, Hatanaka K, Okuda H, Fujikawa K, Watanabe Y, Hosokawa A, Amano T, Sakata Y.
Analysis of Kohne's prognostic index in KRAS wild type patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) treated with salvage-line cetuximab-based regimen: HGCSG0901.
European Cancer Congress 2013. Amsterdam, Sep 27-Oct 1, 2013. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Fukushima H, Sasaki T, Amano T, Miyagishima T, Hatanaka K, Nakamura M, Tateyama M, Sakata Y.
Phase II Trial of Combined Chemotherapy with Irinotecan, S-1, and Bevacizumab (IRIS/Bev) in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC) - Final analysis -: Hokkaido Gastrointestinal Cancer Study Group (HGCSG) trial.
2013 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 24-26, 2013. - Yuki S, Shitara K, Takahari D, Nakamura M, Kondo C, Tsuda T, Kii T, Tsuji Y, Oze I, Muro K.
Preliminary safety data from a randomized phase II study comparing dose-escalated weekly paclitaxel versus standard-dose weekly paclitaxel for patients with previously treated advanced gastric cancer.
ESMO 2012 Congress. Vienna, Sep 28-Oct 2, 2012. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Miyagishima T, Kato T, Hatanaka K, Nakamura M, Kudo M, Akakura N, Tateyama M, Sakata Y.
Phase II Trial of Combined Chemotherapy with Irinotecan, S-1, and Bevacizumab (IRIS/Bev) in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer -Updated analysis-. Hokkaido Gastrointestinal Cancer Study Group (HGCSG) trial.
2012 ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago, Jun 1-5, 2012. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Kawamoto Y, Tsuji Y, Naruse H, Hosokawa A, Kusumi T, Ishiguro A, Saito S, Sakata Y.
Retrospective Cohort Study on the Safety and Efficacy of Cetuximab for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients: The HGCSG0901 Study - Analysis of after Cetuximab refractory -.
2012 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 19-21, 2012. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Kogawa T, Hatanaka K, Kusumi T, Fujikawa K.
Retrospective Cohort Study on the Safety and Efficacy of Cetuximab for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients: The HGCSG0901 Study - Analysis of some predictive markers -.
21st Asia Pacific Cancer Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Nov 10-12, 2011. - Yuki S, Nakatsumi H, Tateyama M, Uehata Y, Kudo M, Kato K, Miyagishima T, Uebayashi M, Asaka M, Komatsu Y.
The optimal dose period of indisetron tablets for preventing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) induced by mFOLFOX6: an exploratory trial -HGCSG0703-.
2011 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 20-22, 2011. - Yuki S, Shitara K, Yoshida M, Takahari D, Utsunomiya S, Yokota T, Sato Y, Tajika M, Muro K.
Phase II Study of Combination Chemotherapy with Biweekly Cetuximab and Irinotecan for Wild-type KRAS Metastatic Colorectal cancer Refractory to Irinotecan, Oxaliplatin, and Fluoropyrimidines.
2011 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 20-22, 2011. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Sogabe S, Iwanaga I, Kudo M, Miyagishima T, Nakamura M, Hatanaka K, Asaka M, Sakata Y.
Phase II Study of Combination With Irinotecan and S-1 (IRIS) for Inoperable Recurrent Advanced Colorectal Cancer [HGCSG0302]. Final analysis.
2009 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 15-17, 2009. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Machida N, Ozasa M, Nishi K, Miyagishima T, Kato T, Nakamura M, Asaka M, Sakata Y.
Phase II Study of Combination With Irinotecan and S-1 (IRIS) for Inoperable Recurrent Advanced Colorectal Cancer [HGCSG0302]. Safety analysis.
The European Cancer Conference (ECCO14). Barcelona, Sep 23-27, 2007. - Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Fuse N, Tateyama M, Nishi K, Kato T, Kudo M, Miyagishima T, Asaka M, Sakata Y.
Phase I/II study of docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (TPF) as first-line chemotherapy in Japanese patients with advanced esophageal cancer.
2006 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. San Francisco, Jan 26-28, 2006.