助教宮本 秀一
Shuichi Miyamoto

- 平成21年3月31日
- 金沢医科大学医学部医学科卒業
- 平成29年3月31日
- 北海道大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻博士課程修了
- 平成21年4月1日
- 市立函館病院、初期研修医
- 平成22年4月1日
- 北海道大学病院、初期研修医
- 平成23年4月1日
- 苫小牧市立病院、消化器内科 医員
- 平成25年4月1日
- 北見赤十字病院、消化器内科 医員
- 平成26年4月1日
- 北海道大学病院、消化器内科 医員
- 平成30年4月1日
- 市立函館病院、消化器内科医長
- 令和3年6月1日
- Endoscopy educator, Karlstad Central Hospital (Sweden)
- 令和5年6月1日
- 北海道大学病院 消化器内科 助教
- 日本消化器病学会(専門医・指導医)
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会(専門医・指導医)
- 日本内科学会(認定医)
- スウェーデン消化器病学会 内視鏡教育部門(SES) インターナショナルアドバイザー
- 2016年 Travel Grant Award, The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
- 2016年 UEG Week 2016 Basic Science Travel Grant Award
- 2017年 Research Grant, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Hokkaido Chapter
- 2022年 UEG Week 2022 Travel Grant Award
- 2023年 Top Downloaded Article (Wiley)
- 2020年 特願2020-171130
【発明の名称】内視鏡牽引クリップ、内視鏡処置具及び内視鏡牽引クリップの製造方法 - 2022年 特願2022-016934
- 2022年 安全に施行するためのESDテクニック(医学書院、共同執筆、2022年発刊)
- 2023年 Endoskopi Teknik och praktik (ISBN 978-91-527-6503-6, 単著, 2023年発刊, スウェーデン)

- 2022年 日本消化器内視鏡学会寄稿
日本スウェーデンでの内視鏡指導の経験から 〜ESD指導と基礎教育の普及〜
- Kohya R, Sugiura R, Yamamoto Y, Naruse H, Hatanaka K, Kinoshita K, Abiko S, Miyamoto S, Suzuki K, Kushibiki H, Munakata S, Shimoyama N.
Hepatocellular carcinoma rupture after introducing Lenvatinib: An autopsy case report.
Intern Med. 2023 Apr 1;62(7):995-998. - Kudo Y, Wakabayashi T, Miyamoto S, Sasaoka Y, Sakai Y, Tsugawa T.
Liver enzyme elevation related to human parainfluenza virus type 3 infection.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2022 Oct 1;41(10):e437-e438. - Nakayama R, Miyamoto S, Tawara T, Aoyagi A, Oguro T, Kobayashi N, Suzuki M, Takeyama Y.
Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection led to progressively fatal septic shock in an immunocompetent patient.
Acute Med Surg. Accepted, 2022 Feb 19;9(1):e738. - Suzuki K, Suda G, Yamamoto Y, Abiko S, Kinoshita K, Miyamoto S, Sugiura S, Kimura M, Maehara O, Yamada R, Kitagataya T, Shigesawa T, Ohara M, Kawagishi N, Nakai M, Sho T, Natsuizaka M, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Sakamoto N.
Effect of switching from tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to tenofovir alafenamide on lipid profiles in patients with hepatitis B virus infection.
PLoS One, 2022 Jan 20;17(1):e0261760. - Miyamoto S, Suda G, Ishikawa M, Hayashi H, Nimura S, Matsuno Y, Mori R, Tanishima S, Kudo T, Takagi T, Yamamoto Y, Ono S, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto N.
Genomic profiling of intestinal/mixed-type superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors.
JGH open. Accepted, 2021Aug 3;5(9):1071-1077. - Sugiura R, Naruse H, Yamamoto Y, Hatanaka K, Kinoshita K, Abiko S, Miyamoto S, Suzuki K, Higashino M, Kohya R.
Very urgent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is associated with early discharge in patients with non-severe acute cholangitis.
Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2022 Mar;114(3):133-139. - Gibo H, Saito S, Koya J, Yasui Y, Tokuda Y, Sugitatsu K, Makita Y, Suzuki K, Miyamoto S, Shoda M.
Percutaneous retrieval of an inferior vena cava filter penetrating into the duodenum.
JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2021 Jun 28;14(12): e131-e133. - Okada H, Takahashi K, Katano H, Shimizu A, Takakuwa E, Miyamoto S, Abiko S, Yamamoto K, Shimoda T, Mitsuhashi T, Hasegawa H, Matsuno Y.
A case of Epstein–Barr virus‐associated lymphoepithelioma‐like carcinoma of the colon.
Pathol Int. 2021 Jun;71(6):420-426. - Wakabayashi T, Fukumura S, Takahashi S, Kenji K, Miyamoto S, Tsuchida K, Kato S, Tsugawa T, Sakai Y, Kawasaki Y.
Stereotyped upper limb movement in MECP2 duplication syndrome.
Neurology. 2021 Jul 13;97(2):92-94. - Miyamoto S, Suzuki K, Kinoshita K.
The efficiency of a novel gel product for duodenal ulcer bleeding.
Dig Endosc. 2021 May;33(4): e63-e64. - Wakabayashi T, Miyamoto S, Sasaoka Y, Kudo Y, Nakamura S, Noda T, Kawashima Y, Yamamoto Y, Sakai Y, Kawasaki Y.
Gastrointestinal: Pediatric pseudo-single magnet ingestion diagnosed by multidirectional X-ray and computed tomography.
Journal gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Aug;36(8):2035. - Miyamoto S, Takahashi K, R. Ohya R.
T, A New Method of Esophageal Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) with Injected Gel: EUS-Gel Filling Method.
Dig Endosc. 2021Mar;33(3): e49-e50. - Wakabayashi T, Sasaoka Y, Sakai Y, Miyamoto S, Tsugawa T, Kawasaki Y.
Transient angioedema of the small bowel due to intravenous nonionic iodinated contrast media.
J Pediatr. 2020 Nov 27; S0022-3476(20)31455-4. - Miyamoto S, Ohya R. T, Nishi K, Abiko S, Sugiura R, Yamamoto Y, Sakamoto N.
Effectiveness of Red Dichromatic Imaging for dissection of the submucosal layer when hematoma is encountered.
Endoscopy. 2021 Nov;53(11):E413-E414. - Miyamoto S, Sugiura R, Abiko S, Hatanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Naruse H, Sakamoto N.
Red Dichromatic Imaging helps in detecting exposed blood vessels in gastric ulcer induced by endoscopic submucosal dissection.
Endoscopy. 2021 Nov;53(11):E403-E404. - Miyamoto S, Ohya R. T, Ono M, Sakamoto N.
Triple-loop-clip for the traction assisted colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection—Multidirectional triple loop traction method (MTL-traction method).
Video GIE. 2020 Nov 19;6(1)1-3. - Abiko S, Miyamoto S, Sugiura R, Kinoshita K, Hatanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Naruse H.
A new endoscopic fixation method using the commercially available Multi - Clamp: the "clamp technique".
Endoscopy. 2021 Aug;53(8): E301-E302. - Miyamoto S, Yamamoto Y, Takagi T.
New method of endoscopic injection sclerosis for esophageal varices using by modified endoscopic hood.
Dig Endosc. 2020 Jul;32(5): e82-e83. - Sugiura R, Naruse H, Yamato H, Kudo T, Yamamoto Y, Hatanaka K, Ito J, Kinoshita K, Miyamoto S, Higashino M, Hayasaka S, Sakamoto N.
Long-term outcomes and risk factors of recurrent biliary obstruction after permanent endoscopic biliary stenting for choledocholithiasis in high-risk patients.
J Dig Dis. 2020 Apr;21(4):246-251. - Miyamoto S, Ohya R. T, Hiagashino M, Hatanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Naruse H, Sakamoto N.
Clip with thread attachment prior to incision - new strategy for traction-assisted esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection.
Endoscopy. 2020 Sep; 52(9): e328-329. - Miyamoto S, Ito J, Ohya TR.
Modified method of making a clip with ring-thread for the traction of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection.
Dig Endosc. 2020 May;32(4): e59-e60. - Sugiura R, Kinoshita K, Naruse H, Yamamoto Y, Hatanaka K, Ito J, Miyamoto S, Higashino M, Hayasaka S, Tsuchida N, Nakanishi K, Ueki S, Umehara M, Shimoyama N, Mitsuhashi T, Sakamoto N.
Hemosuccus pancreaticus due to an intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm: a rare cause of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding.
Journal gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Mar;35(3):363. - Yoshida S, Miyamoto S, Naruse H, Ito J, Kinosita K, Kudo T, Hatanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Sakamoto N.
A case of esophagitis in non-small cell lung carcinoma treatment caused by pembrolizumab.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2020 Jan;115(1):13. - Miyamoto S, Ito J, Naruse H, Sugiura R, Yamamoto Y, Hatanaka K, Kinoshita K, Higashino M, Hayasaka S, Tsuchida N, Shimoyama N, Sakamoto N.
Gastrointestinal: Endoscopic myotomy for a large rectal tumor with severe fibrosis after treatment of hemorrhoids.
Journal gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Jul;35(7):109. - Miyamoto S, Naruse H, Sakamoto N.
Budesonide foam for prevention of rectal stricture following endoscopic submucosal dissection.
Dig Endosc. 2019 Sep;31(5):588. - Tsuda M, Kato M, Ono S, Matsuda K, Miyamoto S, Abiko S, Ono M, Mizushima T, Yamamoto K, Nakagawa M, Mabe K, Nakagawa S, Kudo T, Nishikawa K, Shimizu Y, Asaka M, Sakamoto N.
Changes of Dyspeptic Symptom after Successful Eradication in Helicobacter pylori-Associated Dyspepsia.
Digestion. 2020;101(2):165-173. - Miyamoto S, Hayasaka S, Kudo Y, Sasaoka Y, Yoshida S, Kinoshita S, Ito S, Kudo T, Hatanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Naruse H, Sakamoto N.
Detailed observation of fish tapeworm using colonoscopy.
ACG Case Rep J. 2019 Jun 12;6(6): e00086. - Miyamoto S, Tsuda M, Kato M, Mabe K, Muto S, Ono S, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto N.
Evaluation of gastric acid suppression with vonoprazan using calcium carbonate breath test.
J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2019 Mar;64(2):174-179. - Ono S, Kato M, Tsuda M, Miyamoto S, Abiko S, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto N.
Lavender color in linked color imaging enables noninvasive detection of gastric intestinal metaplasia.
Digestion. 2018;98(4):222-230. - Sugiura R, Ohnishi S, Ohara M, Ishikawa M, Miyamoto S, Onishi R, Yamamoto K, Kawakubo K, Kuwatani M, Sakamoto N.
Effects of human amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells and conditioned medium in rats with sclerosing cholangitis.
Am J Transl Res. 2018 Jul 15;10(7):2102-2114. - Abiko S, Shimizu Y, Miyamoto S, Ishikawa M, Matsuda K, Tsuda M, Mizushima T, Yamamoto K, Ono S, Kudo T, Ono K, Sakamoto N.
Risk assessment of metachronous squamous cell carcinoma after endoscopic resection for esophageal carcinoma based on the genetic polymorphisms of alcoholdehydrogense-1B aldehyde dehydrogenase-2: temperance reduces the risk.
J Gastroenterol. 2018 Oct;53(10):1120-1130. - Matsuda K, Ono S, Ishikawa M, Miyamoto S, Abiko S, Tsuda M, Yamamoto K, Kudo T, Shimizu Y, Hayase E, Hashimoto D, Teshima T, Matsuno Y, Sakamoto N.
Cecum ulcer is a reliable endoscopic finding in cytomegalovirus colitis concomitant with graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Ann Hematol. 2018 May;97(5):877-883. - Ono M, Kato M, Miyamoto S, Tsuda M, Mizushima T, Ono S, Nakagawa M, Mabe K, Nakagawa S, Muto S, Shimizu Y, Kudo M, Katsuki S, Meguro T, Sakamoto N.
Multicenter observational study on functional bowel disorders diagnosed using Rome III diagnostic criteria in Japan.
J Gastroenterol. 2018 Aug;53(8):916-923. - Miyamoto S, Matsuno Y, Kato M, Kudo T, Ono S, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto N.
Parietal cell protrusions and dilated oxyntic glands from use of vonoprazan.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2017 Dec;112(12):1899-1901. - Miyamoto S, Kudo T, Abiko S, Ono S, Shimizu Y, Matsuno Y, Sakamoto N.
Endocytoscopy of superficial nonampullary duodenal epithelial tumor: Two Cases of Tubular Adenocarcinoma and Adenoma.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2017 Nov;112(11):1638. - Oikawa R, Watanabe Y, Miyamoto S, Sato Y, Ono S, Mabe K, Yamamoto H, Kato M, Itoh F.
Enrichment of Helicobacter pylori mutant strains after eradication therapy analyzed by gastric wash-based quantitative pyrosequencing.
Tumor Biol. 2017 Oct;39(10):1010428317734865. - Kato M, Miyamoto S.
Proton pump inhibitor-associated mucosal change.
Intern Med. 2017 Oct 15;56(20):2697. - Miyamoto S, Kato M, Matsuda K, Abiko S, Tsuda M, Mizushima T, Yamamoto K, Ono S, Kudo T, Shimizu Y, Hatanaka. C. K, Tsunematu I, Sakamoto N.
Gastric hyperplastic polyps associated with proton pump inhibitor use in a case without a history of Helicobacter pylori infection.
Intern Med. 2017;56(14):1825-1829. - Miyamoto S, Ohnishi S, Onishi R, Tsuchiya I, Hosono H, Katsurada T, Yamahara K, Takeda H, Sakamoto N.
Therapeutic effects of human amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation and conditioned medium enema in rats with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis.
Am J Transl Res. 2017 Mar 15;9(3):940-952. - Miyamoto S, Kudo T, Kato M, Matsuda K, Abiko S, Tsuda M, Mizushima T, Yamamoto K, Ono S, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto N.
Endoscopic ultrasonography features of gastric mucosal cobblestone-like changes from a proton-pump inhibitor.
Clin J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jun;10(3):220223. - Miyamoto S, Kato M, Tsuda M, Matsuda K, Muranaka T, Abiko S, Ono M, Mizushima T, Omori S, Yamamoto K, Mabe K, Ono S, Kudo T, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto N.
Gastric mucosal cracked and cobblestone-like changes resulting from proton pump inhibitor use.
Dig Endosc. 2017 May;29(3):307-313. - Matsumoto M, Kato M, Oba K, Abiko S, Tsuda M, Miyamoto S, Mizushima T, Ono M, Omori S, Takahashi M, Ono S, Mabe K, Nakagawa M, Nakagawa S, Kudo T, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto N.
Multicenter randomized controlled study to assess the effect of prophylactic clipping on post-polypectomy delayed bleeding.
Dig Endosc. 2016 Jul;28(5):570-6. - Miyamoto S, Watanabe Y, Oikawa R, Ono S, Mabe K, Kudo T, Yamamoto H, Itoh F, Kato M, Sakamoto N.
Analysis of Helicobacter pylori genotypes in clinical gastric wash samples.
Tumor Biol. 2016 Aug;37(8):10123-32.